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Year 3 Teacher Information

Year 3 Staff

Mrs Dhillon Class 1


  • What is your favourite book and why?  My favourite book is the Harry potter collection. I really love these books because of the development of the characters and I was always hooked! I couldn't wait to find out more!


  • Tell me an interesting fact about yourself.  I love travelling and visiting different countries.


  • What was your favourite subject at school? My favourite subject when I was at school was RE. I loved finding out about other religions, how they are similar and how they are different. I lead RE in Whitehall Junior School.


  • If you were stranded on a desert island what one thing would you take with you?  A picture of the people I love because I would miss them so much! 


  • If you could be any animals what would it be and why? A bird so I could fly to any country I wanted to visit.

Miss Baker- Class 2


  • What is your favourite book and why? The Witches by Roald Dahl. I loved this book at school, and I really enjoy Roald Dahl's writing. It is an interesting (slightly scary) story.


  • Tell me an interesting fact about yourself. I am very clumsy and always bump into doors and tables!


  • What was your favourite subject at school? English and history


  • If you were stranded on a desert island what one thing would you take with you? Snacks or a cool water bottle


  • If you could be any animals what would it be and why? An owl. They are my favourite animal. They are wise and look cute. 


Mrs Cattell- Class 3


  • What is your favourite book and why? This is a really difficult question for me to answer because I love reading. I love reading a variety of genres. I just love getting lost in a different world. Some of my favourites are The Twilight Saga books and The Hunger Games. 


  • Tell me an interesting fact about yourself. An interesting fact about myself is I love Disney films and my favourite Disney Princess is Belle.


  • What was your favourite subject at school? When I was at school I enjoyed all lessons. If I had to pick, it would be Geography and History. Although I love Maths and English. 


  • If you were stranded on a desert island what one thing would you take with you? I hope I would never be stranded on a desert island. If I was, I would want to have a water bottle and a supply of fresh water.


  • If you could be any animals what would it be and why? I would be a Orca (killer whale). I would love to explore the ocean and have the freedom to travel all across the world. Also Orca's stay together in their pods as a family.  

