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Whitehall Junior School

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The Governing Body of Whitehall Junior School welcomes your interest. The Governing Body is made up of people who work with the staff and parents of the school to ensure that the children of WJS have the best possible opportunities to meet their potential.

Our governors are unpaid volunteers who devote a great deal of time to Whitehall Junior School. We are grateful to them for everything they do to help improve our school.

As Whitehall Junior School is part of the CADMUS family of schools, the Headteacher and the Whitehall Junior School Chair of Governors, sit on CADMUS Governing body. All strategic decisions affecting Whitehall Junior School are delegated to Whitehall Junior School Governing board.


A message from your Chair of Governors – Mrs C Jones
The Role of the Governing Body

"Our school is managed by the Governing Body which is made up of 12 members. The Governors serve for a period of four years and subject to eligibility can be re-appointed. At the first meeting in school year the Governing Body elects a Chair and Vice Chair.

At the termly meeting of the Governing Body the Head Teacher submits a comprehensive written report. This comprises information on pupil attendance, special needs, children’s extra-curricular activities such as music, sport, trips, visits and events, curricular developments and staffing matters, including attendance, performance management and training and development. The Head Teacher submits draft school policies for consideration and the approval of the Governing Body.

The Governing Body also has to scrutinise SATS results and consider whether national and local targets are being met and formulate appropriate action plans. Following the Ofsted Inspection the Governing Body takes appropriate action in line with the recommendation in the Ofsted Report.

The Governing Body is very appreciative of the contribution the teachers and non-teaching staff make to the children’s extra-curricular activities and on behalf of the Governors I express thanks for this dedication."

Colleen Jones
Chair of the Governing Body.
