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Whitehall Junior School

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Late/Absence Procedures

If your child is going to be late for school or absent please contact the school office on 01922 721092

to inform us.

Holiday Request


With effect from September 2013 the Department for Education made some changes to holidays

taken during term time.


The new guidance makes it clear that Head Teachers can no longer grant any leave of absence

during term time for any purpose unless there are exceptional circumstances. (Sick grandparents

and relatives are not exceptional circumstances).

Religious leave is only authorised for compulsory religious observance, i.e Eid or Hajj. We

understand that Umrah is a highly recommended aspect of Islam, but it is still a voluntary

observance and leave will not be authorised.

WE have a zero tolerance policy, therefore term time holidays are recorded as an unauthorised

absence and will be referred to the Education Welfare Service who, on behalf of Walsall Children’s

Services, will issue you with a fixed penalty notice (£60.00 per child, per parent, i.e. £120.00 per child)

under the provision of the sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003.

If you still wish to apply for leave of absence/holiday, please contact the school office
