School Day
School will start at 8:45am
Playtime will be staggered with Year 3 and 5 at 10:30-10:45 and Year 4 and 6 at 10:45- 11:00. Children are invited to bring in a healthy snack.
Lunchtimes will be staggered with Year 3 and 5 at 12:00-12:45 and Year 4 and 6 at 12:45-1:30.
If children require a school dinner, this will need to be booked through Parent Pay. If school do not receive a booking your child will be offered a sandwich. Children can only receive the option you have booked.
Children will finish for the day at 3:15pm.
Pupils should not normally arrive earlier than 10 minutes before the starting day.
Please note: Dinner times and break times will be set equally according to year group timings.
Lunchtime Arrangements
Your child may stay for a school dinner or bring a packed lunch. We are a Halal Certified school however the choice of vegetarian meals are available. The cost of a school dinner is £11.00 per week (£2.20 per day) Or your child may qualify for free meals. Please bring in your letter from the Council to school to confirm that your child is entitled to FSM.
On the first day of school in September you will need to pay for your child’s dinner for that week as no meal will be provided if not paid via Parent Pay – (No credit available) You will be called to collect your child to take home to provide lunch or you must bring a packed lunch.
The School is a business and cannot afford to lose money like any other small business.
Packed lunches should be sent in a secure container clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. Please ensure your child brings their lunchbox home each night. If a child leaves his/her lunchbox in school for an extended period, it may be thrown away in the interest of hygiene.
If you are eligible for your child to receive free school meals, please apply, even if you don’t want the meals. The school receives additional funding for every child eligible.
Morning break time your child may bring in a mid - morning snack. In line with our Healthy Schools we encourage children to bring healthy snacks in such as a piece of fruit or a fruit bar.
Your child is not to bring any games, toys, mobile phones, playing cards, CD’s, IPods (no expensive items as school will not take responsibility) chewing gum or bubble gum.